Sunday, October 24, 2010

Letters to God

When I originally heard about this movie, I knew it would be sad and moving and sob inspiring. I had decided not to watch it right away. I felt like there would be too many similarities. I saw it on Netflix a couple weeks ago and added it to our instant watch list...along with nearly 30 National Geographic, and other educational videos. I love Netflix! Okay, back to the movie. Britney saw it on Roku and asked Cody if he wanted to watch it. No, he didn't. She asked again and again, and day after day he said no. A couple days ago I told her to go ahead and watch it if she wanted to. I made the mistake of sitting down and watching it with her.

It is a really good movie, but I would have been better off not watching it. I could relate too much to the characters and the story. Part of the movie was even taped at Give Kids the World Village in the very room Mickey, Minnie and the entire audience sang Happy Birthday to Cody when he had his wish granted in 2005. Plus the clip of the carousel and Cody's favorite place in the whole world - The Castle. Brit and I boo-hooed several times during the movie and had a great talk when it was over. She saw a lot of similarities too and it gave her some things to think about.

The movie left us sad, and wanting to go to Florida.


  1. Wow Gina!! I cried like a baby in this movie too. At least it prompted great conversations and food for thought. That was an awesome movie. And I miss not getting to watch all those educational movies on Netflix since we got rid of!

  2. then go to florida!!! (and take me with you!!!) lolz joking! this tuesday our school is doing poetry out loud at our library @ 6pm. i entereed a poem in the original poetry contest and i get to recite it that night. i know it is short notice, but will you come watch?!?!?!

  3. (((HUGS))) September my friend!<3

  4. Gretta, we love Netflix! I can't imagine not having it even though I know it would save us some money each month by getting rid of it.

    Tori, we would love to, but tomorrow is our anniversary and we already have plans. Sorry baby.

    Heather, thank you for the hug:)


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