Saturday, January 22, 2011


I'm back from Knoxville, or Knoxvegas as Beth calls it. Yesterday, Beth's very good friend, Barbara picked me up and we headed to Tennessee. I just love Barbara. 5 hours is a long time to be stuck in a vehicle with someone if you don't like them.

In all the years that I've been a wife and a mom, this is the second solo trip I have ever taken. It was quite odd to look around and not see another Lackey. I missed my wacky clan, but still had a really great time.

We got to Beth's and later last night, then we braved the freakish cold in search of food. Have I mentioned that I am OVER being cold? We went to downtown Knoxville to Market Square. It's such a cool, funky place. I want to go back when it's daytime...and about 40 degrees warmer. Would you believe I didn't take one picture? Not one...

We ate dinner at Latitude 35. We were seated right next to the bar, which I found interesting and enjoyable since I'm a people watcher. That blond chick was so upset about something...I'm so glad all of her friends were with her to comfort her. I had the Low Country Turkey and Swiss with sweet potato fries. YUMMO! After dinner, we headed back to Beth's house to goof off and crash for the night.

This morning we had breakfast at Cracker Barrel and then split up while Beth had an appointment. Then we met up at the bridal store to try on/get fitted for our bridesmaid dresses. I thought Beth had pretty much decided on the one she liked best, but while we were there, we decided to try on others and search around a bit. I tried on several dresses and then we decided on THE one. It's beautiful! I think we're all really happy with the decision.

After that, we went to several stores in search of a dress for Beth for a formal event in a couple weeks. Than we got hungry! Shopping must do that to you:) I had a life changing experience...we ate a Red Robin. Guys, this was my first time to ever go there. I ordered the mushroom swiss burger (I decided one not so healthy meal would be okay) It was SO good!

Red Robin....YUM!

Barbara and I headed back to Alabama and made it to my house at 8:00. I had fun, but I'm glad to be home. Pajamas make me happy.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a fun trip & got to enjoy some new culinary experiences too! Glad you are home safe


Where we've been as a family