Saturday, January 1, 2011

Catapult Construction

Cody has been wanting a catapult for a while and was so excited that the big man in red got him one for Christmas! While Bobby was off this week, the two of them got to work.

Cody LOVES this thing! He has been flinging pieces of wood across the room...hitting the blinds. His next goal was to construct some sort of castle so he could place his army men in the building and kill them. That's my boy:)


  1. What a cool toy!! I bet he will have hours of enjoyment with this one. Even I think it would be fun to see how many army men you could take out with various objects...LOL!

  2. He LOVES it! He has played and played and played. He's been wanting one for a long time...especially after we watched that Punkin Chunkin show on Discovery :)


Where we've been as a family