Monday, August 9, 2010


Karen watched the kids for me this morning so I could go to my doctor's appointment. It went by quickly and relatively painlessly.

After I picked the kids up and got home, we ate lunch and watched IMAX Deep Sea. It came in from Netflix several days ago, but the kids didn't seem interested in it...until I put it in the DVD player. They loved it! We were all disappointed when it was over. Johnny Depp can speak to me anytime!
I remembered a site Karen sent me when we first started homeschooling. There's a project we've been wanting to try. Check it out HERE. We checked our supplies and needed a few things so off we went to Hobby Lobby.

I know most sting rays are suppose to be grayish, but my kids love being creative! Why buy plain old felt when you can go tie dye, baby?!
Britney hard at work while Cody played with the googly eyes:)

Drawing the nostrils, mouth and gills.

Sewing on the eyes.

Their nostrils and mouths make them look like they have the biggest smile! They look SO happy! I think rays are the coolest things ever!

There are a couple things I will do differently next time we make these. I flat messed up on a few things. We're going to make them again and stuff them. Won't they make the cutest little stuffed animals? :)


  1. That is TOO cute ~ I love it! Can you teach me how to use my sewing machine?! You guys are so crafty and creative. You inspire me!!

  2. I'll be glad to show you what I know :)


Where we've been as a family