Saturday, August 21, 2010

Britney's Birthday ~ Round 1

Well, it happened. She's really 12 years old. In one year, my daughter will be a teenager. Sigh...

This is a card she got from our Aunt Cathy

It pulls out into this guitar and meows Happy Birthday:) TOO CUTE!

Pepper helped decorate for the birthday party. Thanks puppy.

Brit wanted a spend the night party with her best friends. They had so much fun! Pepper LOVED all of the attention. They even got Tango out for a while.

Conga! Conga! Conga!

She waited for Bobby to get home from work to open presents and eat cake. She got some wonderful presents! Thanks guys!

Cookie cake...Hmmm

I took Pepper outside around 11:15 and saw spot lights. Ooooo....aahhhhh. We HAD to find out what they were for. I loaded up all the kids and drove until we found the source...the midnight madness sale at the Toyota dealership. Well, that was disappointing. We had decided it was at the club and Keilee made jokes about me taking them clubbing. Not yet sweetie.

The girls, with one exception, stayed up ALL night. We had a blast! Thanks guys!!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Happy Birthday, Britney! I am glad Chan could help celebrate! : )


Where we've been as a family