Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Separating Colors

When we went to the used book sale at CLC, Cody picked out a science experiment book. It's full of easy experiments that he seems semi interested in. He really wanted the book for the magnets chapter. That boy loves magnets!

I was flipping through the book this afternoon, and came across this experiment. We've done it before and it's SO easy...I mean little kid easy, but it's fun and makes something beautiful. I asked Cody if he'd like to try it out and he was game.

Take a paper towel and draw a dot of color with a marker.

We then placed the paper towels on top of glasses and dropped water onto the dot of color.

The ink separates as the water spreads, carrying the colors at different speeds.
Cody tried all the markers we could find and really liked watching the colors spread across the paper towels. He said his favorite is the rainbow one - Top center in the picture above :) My favorite is the orange explosion! So pretty!

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