Thursday, July 8, 2010

Where we've been as a family

I was looking at someone's blog a minute ago. They have a map of the United States showing which states the family has visited together, so I went HERE to add it to my blog. (It's at the bottom of the page) I can't decide which states to say we've been to as a family. Britney and I have gone to Texas, but Cody hasn't. The kids and I went to Pennsylvania and New Jersey without Bobby. Do I add those to the map? How should I do this? Am I over thinking it? Probably!


  1. Oo, oo, I want one! LOL

    I have one at Campster and since it was MY account, I just did the states I have been to in one color and the ones we have all been to in another. Our camping map is just where we have all been. It was great to color in those 2 new states! I have the itch again. LOL

  2. What a great idea! I would love to do one for myself and then another one for our family. It would be neat to see all the places we need to put on our "bucket lists".


Where we've been as a family