Thursday, July 8, 2010

Farmer Cody Brown

A couple days ago, Cody read a book about growing pumpkins. He became very interested in the process of raising them. We researched the different varieties, how and when to plant, how much water and sunlight they need, and looked at pictures of pumpkins online. He was surprised to learn how big some of them can grow. In October of last year, the record breaking pumpkin, that's thought to be the world's largest, weighed in at 1,725 lbs! Needless to say, Cody wanted to grow his own pumpkins.

We decided the best place to raise our pumpkins is to the left of our house in the front yard. They will get plenty of sunshine there and it will be an easier place for Cody to water them. Plus with them being in the front yard, the dogs won't trample them :)

Yesterday, we went to buy seeds at Walmart, but they didn't have any. Neither did Home Depot or Ace Hardware. I guess we are about a month late planting them, but...oh well. Today, Bobby and Cody went to Valley Feed and came home with a packet of pumpkin seeds and a packet of cucumber seeds. Cody also wants to grow cucumbers so we can make our own pickles. Boy, he loves pickles. Well, he is my son after all.

This evening, Bobby gassed up the tiller and got to work. Cody soon joined him to help prepare the earth.

"I'm dirty!"

The seeds are treated with a protecting fungicide. They are not intended for food, feed or oil. That sounds bad. At any rate, the seeds were a pretty turquoise color.

After they were planted, Cody, Britney and Bobby gave them a big ole drink,
and cooled each other off!

We haven't decided where to plant the cucumbers yet. I'll keep you posted!

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