Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Two Face

On Mondays, Children's Hospital has a couple volunteers that dress up like clowns. One lady paints faces and the other hands out crayons and coloring pages. Most of Cody's appointments are on Mondays because of his doctors' schedules so he's had his face painted...A LOT! Brit has, too for that matter. The lady knows us by sight and was very happy to see Cody on Monday. In fact, she was packing things up for the day and pulled everything back out to paint him up.

Cody wanted to be Two Face from Batman. He really liked what she did and immediately went into character. He asked for a coin and started flipping it to decide if we should live or die. By the way, I was killed but Bobby and Britney's lives were spared.

As far as the appointment went, it looks like Cody will be having surgery in August sometime. The date hasn't been set yet...more on that later.

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