Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Yesterday morning, we met at Cathy's house for a group trip to Canyon Mouth Park. We stopped at BK to fill everyone up.

Then we met Suzette and drove...forever! :) We made a stop at Cherokee Rock Village. The Lackey crew had never been there before. I look forward to a trip there during a cooler month.'s hot.

Once I climbed up the rock, my aversion to heights kicked in and almost immediately climbed back down. I did snap a few shots of the overlook.

Kid group shot!

Then we drove around Little River Canyon. It is a long, curvy, hilly, steep, nausea inducing ride...but beautiful all at the same time.

Throughout the day, I noticed Cody's left eye looked odd. It was red around the outer rim-think red eyeliner. I kept checking on him. He said he felt okay and just wanted to swim.
We made it to Canyon Mouth Park by 4:00 and were so ready to get in the water!


After we ate, we headed upstream so the kids could float back down. Bobby and Cody headed back because it was a better place for Cody to swim. We were there for just a minute or two and Zachary started screaming his head off! We didn't know what happened.

He ran back up to us and was in so much pain and boy he was mad! It turned out that a caterpillar got him! I've never seen anything like this before, but Bobby has in South Carolina. It got him on his side, under his arm, on top of his arm and on his back in record time. I have no idea how it attacked so many places that quickly.

Suzette, Zachary, Cathy and I walked back down by Bobby and Cody while the rest of the group floated down the river.

Wrinkle feet!
Cody changed into warm, dry clothes and sat in the back seat and played his DS. His eye looked worse and he said it was hurting. There was some yellowish discharge and his eye started getting puffy.

We left just before 8:00 and split up on our way home. We stopped at Sonic in Fort Payne with Suzette's crew and enjoyed frozen yummies.

We got home at 11:00 ish...I think. We unloaded The Beast and got ready for bed. It was a long day, but we really had a wonderful time with our friends!

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