Monday, April 29, 2013

Aveda's Catwalk for Water Fashion Show

Yesterday was filled with a lot of 'Hurry Up and Wait'.  When we were extras in Grace Unplugged, the director and producer must have said that 30 times.  "The entertainment industry is a lot of hurry up and wait"  I guess that's true for models as well.  :)

The kids and I headed to Esther's, making a stop to get gas and pick a few things up from the store.  Mostly protein bars because I knew Brit wouldn't want to eat a big meal but would need something shoved in her face periodically throughout the day.  We made it to their house and left Dakota with Ben and Matt.  Dakota was so happy to be spending a whole day with Ben!

It stormed all day and I was glad Esther was driving!  Brit does NOT like the rain, but she handled that pretty well.  Esther also pointed out that it was keeping Jake's allergies at bay.

We arrived on time, found out where we needed to be, and waited around for a while.

Then they took Brit to get her hair and makeup done, which wasn't completed then.  They tweaked her until nearly the last minute :)

They got started on Chan's hair and soon they did a run through on the runway.  I'm glad they did that, showed each model where to walk and pose and whatnot.  I'm sure it relieved some nerves.  When we got back to our room, all of Chan's pretty curls had fallen out.  She then had a team of people working on her hair!  Three curling irons going at once!

Brit got dressed WAY TOO early in my opinion.  Especially since she really couldn't sit in her costume, or take it off and had hours to wait before the show started. 
Making faces at Jake!

Showing off the snazzy earrings.

Her outfit!  All of the costumes were made with trash and recycled materials.  That's a bathmat corseted together with a fiber optic cable.  The skirt was made of paper and plastic garbage bags and the train was paper, plastic grocery bags and wine bottle corks.

Brit's hair wasn't what they had envisioned so the instructor, John, got a hold of her head.

Brit LOVED how it turned out!

Beautiful girls

Then they put fake lashes on Brit.  That's the first time she had ever worn fake lashes and she really liked them.  Carly, who was super sweet and made of awesome told her she could keep them :)

They had taken Jake off at some point and was gone a long time.  Esther went to check on him and he was just sitting and waiting.  They waited until the end to get him ready, but boy was he ready!  I don't have any pictures of him or them all together...but Esther does!  Go look HERE!

And then it was time to go!  I hugged my girl and kissed her check (lightly on both things as not to mess up the dress or makeup:) and told her to have fun!  Esther and I made our way to the auditorium.  There were more people in there than I thought there would be and all of the close seats were full.  Then this woman got up and moved to another seat, leaving me a spot on the front row!  Esther decided to stand to take photos.

They all did SO well!  I didn't take any photos, but once again, HERE are Esther's.  It's really great having a photographer as one of my best friends :)  When Brit took the runway, I totally got teary eyed.  She looked amazing and confident and I knew how much that moment meant to her.

The only photo I snapped.

After it was all said and done, Aveda Birmingham raised over their $11,000 goal and just tickets sales for last night's event totaled over $1,000.  All the money raised goes to their partners to help protect clean water.  Woot!

After photos and hugs and changing clothes, we headed on home, making a stop at the Waffle House with the kids still in make up and big hair.  They got a lot of attention!  Our...hmm...he was our waiter and chef and cashier...that guy...yeah, he was awesome!  We chatted and laughed with him.  He also scored extra points because he thought Brit and I were sisters :)  Esther introduced me to Diet Coke with vanilla flavoring.  She changed my life.

This sign was hanging at Waffle House.  It's all jacked up!  :)

Eep!  Awesome day!

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