Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Forest

For a long time, I didn't quite understand the saying "Can't see the forest for the trees."  I mean, the trees are the forest.
I have a better understanding of it now as I feel like I've been living it.  I've been concentrating on the negative.  The bad that I see that's directly in front of me.  The troubles I have faced throughout my life.  Being angry at people who have wronged me.  Anger plain filled me up this past year or so.  It can be consuming if you're not careful and I wasn't.

The truth is, the forest, is completely full of wonderful things.  I have been blessed far greater than I deserve.  I have a husband who is a wonderful man and works hard for our family.  He loves us, that's for sure.  He loves me, even on days I don't deserve it.  I have these two absolutely amazing, intelligent, creative and beautiful children.  I have friends, really true friends.  A whole group of them that love me and my family.  They are my family.  I am so very thankful for them.

I can see the forest.

I can see it...the whole picture.  The goodness, kindness, generosity, and love.

I still see the trees but for now they are blurry, just brief glimpses in my peripheral.  However, I know there are decisions that have to be made that I don't want to make.  Situations and issues that have to be resolved.  Those blurry trees will soon be put into focus.  

But for now, I can see the forest.  

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