Tuesday, September 7, 2010


About four months ago, on our way to the drive in, we started talking about cats. Bobby doesn't exactly like cats, and for as long as I've known my children, they've wanted one. They had pretty much decided that that they could have a cat...after they were grown and had moved out.

But during that conversation, something completely unexpected happened. Bobby said we could get a kitty if the kids would step up with their responsibilities around the house. That was definitely the incentive they needed! Brit immediately set to work making schedules and cleaning charts and explaining to Cody what he needed to do. Now, I'm not going to say that they've done everything they originally said they would, or that the house is always clean...HA! But I will say that there has been a lot of improvement.

In June, Heather's cat - a stray that they took in that was very young and thin and later they found out, pregnant - gave birth to five beautiful kittens.

We went over to Heather's house for a get together, and finally got to meet the kittens....SO CUTE! We all liked one in particular. I emailed Heather to tell her we wanted him and asked her if she could hold him for us until after Cody's surgery. Cody is feeling great and is healing nicely, so we decided to get him yesterday. Heather dropped him off for us and the kids were completely surprised! It was fantastic!

Here he is. We haven't picked out a name yet...of course.

Something I thought I would NEVER see! :)

Cody was desperately trying to convince him to go into the bag.

He liked it in the bag so much that he fell asleep minutes after this picture was taken:)

It's been SO long since I've been around a kitten. He's a nut! He's fast and playful and sweet. He loves to snuggle. We REALLY like him:) Cody just keeps saying "I can't believe we have a kitten!" And he says "AWWWWW" A LOT! Well, he is extremely cute!

He's eating and drinking and using his litter box, so I guess all is right with his world. He seems to LOVE the kids and all of the playtime he's getting.

Thanks again Bobby for making our kiddos so happy. You're the best!

1 comment:

  1. I'm SO glad he has such a great home! Thanks for the pictures! :o)


Where we've been as a family