Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Rock & Worship Roadshow

The Rock & Worship Roadshow made its way to Huntsville again last night. Bobby had to work today so he stayed home with Cody, who didn't want to go. Brit and Emily were so pumped about this concert. They went together last year,which was Britney's first concert. We made plans for Emily to go with us so after she was dropped off, we picked up some friends and went to Epic to play follow the leader to the VBC.

A little pre-concert foodage.

We got separated from the pack and couldn't find our fellow Epicans once we got there. We ended up separating from the other adults who rode with us because the girls wanted to be closer. I embarrassed Lexy several times. I've been called 'old school'. That kid needs to lighten up :)

Me with Lexy

The place was packed! We were told that they had to turn 1500 people away and that Sidewalk Prophets went outside and sang a couple songs for them, which I found appropriate given their name.

Sidewalk Prophets

Hawk Nelson

I was pretty disappointed they didn't sing Hello, but forgave them quickly when they made eye contact and smiled at us while signing things.

I really liked them! Particularly THIS song.


Tenth Avenue North

I didn't get a picture of Mercy Me. The girls wanted to go out to the lobby to be first in line to get Hawk Nelson's autographs. But we seriously jumped the gun and had lots of time to kill. So...ya head bang, play air guitar and drums while you wait.

Me and my girl <3

Hawk Nelson signing Brit's official concert/autograph shirt.
See? Pretty boys. Eye contact. Who could be mad at them?

Happy Emily!

Disciple signing Brit's shirt

Rend Collective Experience
This group is from Ireland. Love me an Irish man! I could listen to him speak all day...or until I got tired of him talking...
They were very chatty and nice
and happily posed for a group picture. They were the only ones who did.

We all had a blast and I can't wait to go again next year...preferably with my hubby. I know he would love it too!

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Where we've been as a family