Thursday, September 15, 2011


Our first Skate Day of the year was on the 2nd and it was packed!

Wipe Out!

The moms usually wear name tags, but Cody decided he needed one.
I mean...Mario decided :)

After skating, we went to Cathy's to hang out for a while.
I'm so glad she's starting to feel better!

Mom, Cathy, Kaitlin, Dave, Suzette, Emily, and Zachary ALL came to EPIC! It was so awesome to have that experience with all of them.After church Element (the youth group) hang out and do different activities. They were having staring contests to win a balance bracelet and Britney kicked butt! She has had a lot of practice with Cody.
Then we went to Logan's with a large group from church.

Cody has been all about Legos lately!

We saw and felt the effects of Tropical Storm Lee. It rained and rained. We got nearly 7 inches in just a couple days. Plus we had much cooler temperatures. Of course that was the day I needed to get out and run errands. I got drenched and cold. I walked in the house and Brit said 'Oh, you're going to get sick." Unfortunately she was right. I ended up with an almost sinus infection and felt horrible. I am SO bummed I got sick. We had plans of attending the Oka Kapassa Indian Festival last week. We're still disappointed that we missed it :(

The first sign the storm was passing.

Britney and Cody went to Cathy's and spent Friday night. I'm sure they were glad to get out of the house. It's not so fun hanging out with a sick mom.

Cody waiting on Cathy and freedom.

Even though I was still sickish, we all went to watch the Alabama game with our Life Group.

Cody went up to Jackson's room to play with Legos and built the Washington Monument.

After the game, we went to Kitty's for Septemberfest.
I wish I had felt better. I know I would have enjoyed it more and would have been more fun to be around. We did have a good time though and I'm determined that we will all be well next year!

Brit, Cody and I decided to have a picnic the other day. It was sunny and just the perfect temperature. Just before we went out, I found this guy on the kitchen window.

The kids named him Sherlock.

Be free Sherlock.

That's part of what's been going on. We have a BUSY week ahead of us so I'll post more when I can.

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