Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Deodorant Stock up!

We scored some awesome deals today! We went to Walgreens and Target.

What we got:

(We had to go to both Walgreens because the first one only had three Right Guards left)

1st store-
2 Right Guard Deodorants @ $2.99 each
2 Visine (travel size) @ $1.99 each
Paid $.63

2nd store-
8 Right Guard deodorants @ $3.99 each -three of which had a FREE body wash attached to it.
2 Right Guard deodorants @ $2.99 each
Paid $1.71

2 Johnson and Johnson first aid kits (travel size) @ $.97 each
4 12 packs Diet Mt. Dew $2.75 each
Paid $10.92

Total Paid:

WOOHOO! With sales and coupons, we saved $59.04!!
Awesome stock up! We won't have to buy deodorant for Bobby and Cody for A LONG time!!!

We are totally loving this!

1 comment:

  1. You go girl!! That is awesome savings & great couponing skills.


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