I packed up a cooler full of water, snacks and lunch and a backpack with sunblock (which I didn't remember to put on...anyone) hats, extra socks and a change of clothes for Cody. Oh, and a small first aid kit, which came in handy. We rode with Cathy because her car gets crazy good gas mileage. Thanks Cathy!
Cathy and Kaitlin picked us up around 9:00 and we headed to the trading post in Wren to meet up with everyone.
This place has a lot of...weird things. Cody found this pile of coyote tails and LOVED them. He wanted one so much. It reminded him of the Mario where he turns into Raccoon-Flying Mario. I don't even know how he knows about the game...we don't own it, but now he owns a coyote tail. It's the little things guys.
There were several local dogs that all seemed friendly enough. We tried to shoo them off since Esther and brought her three dogs. One fat, white dog decided to follow us to the falls.
See Esther's little black dog, Zephyr? Fat, white dog attacked her shortly after this picture was taken. They were on the other side of the water, and out of nowhere...BAM! We heard yelping and screaming and saw Jake kick white dog off of Zep. Everyone was yelling at white dog and throwing stuff at him. He took off after that. Zephyr has some puncture wounds and is a bit shaky, but I think she'll be okay. Poor puppy.
After Cody went under the waterfall, he changed his clothes and tried to warm up. The rest of the group, except for Heather and G, hiked down to see the other falls. I decided to start hiking back up to the top where it was warmer...Cody was cold and sat out in the sun warming up like a lizard.
Cody and I went ahead and hiked back to the cars. I thought I would try to dry his clothes out a little:)
We sat up by the cars and ate lunch and chatted. Then we went to Brushy Lake to check out their campground. Then Cathy's car started acting up, so we headed back. Her car seems fine now, just over heated with the windy roads and air conditioner going. We ate dinner with Cathy and Kaitlin and they dropped us off at home. 'Us' being Cody and myself. They took Brit home with them. I may never see her again...
Who's ready to go hiking again?!
Who's ready to go hiking again?!
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