He got a crystal growing kit, a eco dome habitat, a huge volcano kit, a motor works kit where you build a 4 cylinder engine, and a kit to dig up a T-Rex. Each kit also come with a big poster with tons of info on it. I'm going to hang them up all over:)
It snowed...last Monday I think. We saw the biggest snowflakes EVER! They were HUGE!
The next day it was 65. That's March in Alabama for you.
Our dryer died. That would be the third appliance to die on us in a matter of months. The dryer box has become a permanent resident in the house. The kids love it.
We've been going for a lot of walks lately. I love that the weather is 'sometimes' nice enough to go for a walk.
You know, they say owners and pets start looking like one another after a while. Here's proof.
Cody. Where do I begin. Cody has an incredible scientific, experiment, 'what if I do this' kind of mind. He loves to experiment with everything...food, magnets, games, electronics...everything. He has these gummy eyeballs. Not gummy like to eat, but squishy, gummy toy eyeballs. Because everyone needs a couple. Anyway, he's been wanting to melt them together for a while, so Bobby took care of that the other night.
The next morning, I woke up and Cody was sitting with Bobby on the couch. He didn't say hi to me or anything. What I heard was, "Mommy. I need boiling water, cornstarch, Borax, food coloring, glue and your glass measuring cup."
I put water in the kettle to start boiling and collected the other materials he asked for. Wait, I'm sure I poured a cup of coffee first. Let's be reasonable.
So the first step, was to pour the boiling water over the eyeballs. Then he added the Borax, glue, food coloring and cornstarch. He used a pencil to stir because I knew I would be throwing it out:)
This is what it looked like.
Cody is not satisfied with the results of his experiment. First of all, the eyeballs didn't melt in the boiling water. He was trying to create some sort of putty I think. He would like to try again.
We went to Heather's Saturday to celebrate Griffin's 6th birthday. We had a wonderful time! I've missed everyone!
Brit went home with Chandler to spend the night. Yesterday, Cody and I went to Esther's to get Britney and to spend the afternoon with them. Good times!