Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Christmas Eve was quite a lazy day around here.  Bobby did go to the store for a few things, but other than that, we completely vegged out.  Before bed, we provided Santa with cookies and eggnog, I read Auntie Claus to the kids, and then Bobby read The Night Before Christmas.  While Bobby read, Britney mouthed the words and did an interpretive dance.  It was one of the funniest things EVER.  I wish I had videoed it.  YouTube gold right there!  Then we made hot chocolate, piled into the bed and watched Polar Express.  Well, Bobby and Dakota watched.  I felt horrible and crashed almost immediately.  Brit made a place in the floor and played DS.  Polar Express is not one of her favorite movies but she was nice enough to hang out with us.

Brit started waking people up at 6:00 this morning.  That's early, but I'll take it over the 4:00 they've poked me awake on Christmas morning before :)

Brit HUGGING her new laptop :)

Dakota showing off his new tablet

Brit made Dakota a coupon booklet good for things like days where he can talk about, play, watch, etc any Dr. Who and/or Minecraft related topic and she will listen, watch and play with him without complaint.  I don't expect these coupons to last long.

I got a turkey in the oven and took a shower.  I still feel sick, but better than I did last night.  Bobby went to bed since he had to work tonight.  Brit disappeared in her room for a really long time and thought she was asleep, but no...she was skyping with Chan.  She is SO freakin' happy about that laptop.  Way to go, Santa and Elisa :)

Dakota got the 7th season of Dr. Who so he watched a good chunk of those, played on the computer and lounged most of the day.  I made up some mashed potatoes, gravy, corn and brown and serve rolls.  I took a nap on the couch.  Bobby got up and we all ate and then I crashed in the bed again.  I'm telling you, I'm fighting something off.  Meh.  Anyway, the kids are happy and it was a quiet, all around nice Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. looks like you had a great time :)
    instagram @amrooni42


Where we've been as a family