Friday, October 7, 2011

She's here! And Skate Day!

Bobby, Cody and I met Dad and Rosie in Huntsville this morning to get Kat. Britney had spent a couple nights out at a friend's house. She thought we were going after Skate Day to get her. I love surprises:)

As soon as we got home, I got her a drink and gave her a bath. Bobby stayed home and Cody and I went off to Skate Day...where I didn't take one single picture. Geesh!
Unfortunately, Britney hurt her hand while playing limbo. Hope she's okay!
We left a little early so we could 'go get Kat' and came home to 'pick up Dad' While Brit was letting Bobby look at her hand and telling him how she hurt it, I quietly got Kat out of the crate and said "Will this make you feel better" Like I said...I LOVE surprises!

Puppy snuggles make everything better:)

Isn't she precious?!

She is SO sweet and super cuddly.
She's been eating and drinking and playing and sleeping and doing all of those puppy things.
Loving our Kitty Kat:)

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