Saturday, June 18, 2011

Tennessee State Museum & Parthenon

While we were at Heather's on Monday, I walked up on a conversation between Suzette and Cathy. Suzette was talking about this museum in Nashville that they had visited and absolutely loved. She was telling us about some of the exhibits and it really sounded awesome. Cathy was excited about it too and was ready to go the next day. But she was nice enough to wait for Bobby to work off so we could go together.

We picked Cathy and Kaitlin up on Wednesday morning and hit the road. We made a pit stop at a McDonald's and while we were there, Cathy offered to buy everyone a fruit smoothie. Cody drank mine and got a brain freeze.

We opted for the full day parking pass which is $18. We didn't think we could get out of there in two hours and we were right!
The museum is huge! There's absolutely no way we could read/see everything in one day. Their permanent exhibits include The First Tennesseans, The Frontier, The Age of Jackson, Antebellum, The Civil War and Reconstruction and The New South.

Also now through September 4th, they have an Ancient Egypt exhibit, which we all found fascinating. Cody especially enjoyed this exhibit and viewing the replicas. He fell in love with King Tut this past year while we were learning about Ancient Egypt.

Britney said she doesn't have a favorite thing. She said "It was all awesome!"

We still can't believe there is no admission fee!

Cody thought all of the uniforms looked like headless horsemen. That's my boy:)

Britney and Kaitlin came up with this photo idea. I'm afraid it didn't turn out very well. I'm still learning how to use my new camera.

After we were finished at the museum, we decided to grab some lunch. Suzette had told us about an outdoor food court area that is close by. We asked the lady in the gift shop and she gave us directions. It's about a half a block away, and even though we checked it out, we had passed a Subway and it was voted the place to eat.

Eat Fresh!

We've been wanting to go to the Parthenon for years. The museum and the Parthenon are 2.5 miles from each other. Talk about being geeked! We were so excited to finally go:)

$6 ~ Adults
$4 ~ 4 - 17
Free ~ Under 4
$4 ~ 62+

Cathy with all of her Wisdom.

Me with all of my Integrity.

Bobby and his Hammer of Justice.

Our Courageous kids.

It was 4:30 when we started to head home. Rush hour in cool. It was bumper to bumper. Then it rained like crazy, which made everyone sleepy. Cody took about a 20 minute nap. When he fell asleep it was dark and when he woke up, it had stopped raining and was light out. He thought he had slept all night and we were still driving. :)

We made it back to Cathy's house around 6:30 and just in time to meet up with the ice cream man.

The kids ended up spending the night at Cathy's. The next day, Bobby and I picked everyone up and we spent a couple hours at Point Mallard along with Karen and Keilee.

Awesome memories!


  1. Gina that looks like SUCH fun! I want to go so badly. What is so funny is that I have been to the Parthenon a few times but I know I would be so much more excited this time because I actually ENJOYED learning about the Parthenon in Greece. :)

  2. Karen, you and Keilee have to go to the museum. You would both love it! And the Parthenon was amazing, too! I'm so happy we finally got to go:)


Where we've been as a family