Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Tango, after he shed. He now measures approximately 22 1/2"

The kids playing the arcade games at The Brick

Enjoying ice cream

Cody's interpretation of the Statue of Liberty

Our beautiful kids
@ Esther's house celebrating Chandler's 12th birthday!

Cody has REALLY been into magnets lately!

These are the soldiers and indians my brother and I played with when we were little. They are falling apart, which is perfect for Cody. He made them into Headless Horsemen and zombies. That's my boy.

And here he discovered the effects metal and magnets have on a compass.

1 comment:

  1. Tango is getting so long..wow! Love the photos~they excite me about our future in homeschooling in a few months.


Where we've been as a family