Wednesday, April 21, 2010

We're home

We had the most amazing, awesome, wonderful, OUTSTANDING family vacation in Panama City Beach! We experienced so many beautiful, exciting and new things. It was definitely a trip of firsts!

We got home yesterday evening, parked the camper and unloaded everything. The furry and scaly kids are all doing well and seem very happy to see us. I am slightly frightened by the mound of dirty clothes in the laundry room, but am hopeful everything will be clean...eventually.

After the kids went to bed, I uploaded the pictures from the trip. There are over 1,350 pictures! It will take me some time to go through them all and post some of them, but I'll get it done as soon as I can. Ah! I can't wait to share ALL of the exciting things we did with you!!!!


  1. WELCOME HOME ~ Can't wait to see all the pics & hear all about the fun. Maybe we can do game night in the next week or so! And enjoy all that sand that falls as you do that mound of laundry..hehe!

  2. Glad you made it home safely. Now, post those pics! :)


Where we've been as a family