Thursday, October 29, 2009


We made plans with Karen and Keilee to watch scary movies and eat too much. (Seems like a bad combination when I see it written like that:) Cody had an appointment in Birmingham on the 15th. On our way home, we stopped at Cry Baby Hollow to check it out.

Bobby and Cody looking underneath the bridge

The next night, Karen and Keilee came over. We had so much fun! We made spaghetti, garlic bread and salad. Keilee made a delicious strawberry cake. We successfully ate too much.

After we ate, we watched Poltergeist. The kids loved it! It's actually the first time I've seen all of it. Poltergeist II and III are on their way from Netflix. Then we all drove out to Cry Baby Hollow.

It was the perfect night; extremely dark, cool, rainy...CREEPY!

Karen, Keilee, and Britney

We left candy for the baby
When we stopped on the bridge, Bobby put the van in neutral, and it rolled...several times...forward and backward, which was scarier then rolling forward I might add. The weirdest thing about us rolling is that it didn't happen the day before. We tried when we stopped after Cody's appointment. WEIRD!

The kids made a tin can walkie talkie. The talkie part didn't work so well, so they experimented with the string and cans. They turned it into a pulley system so they could transport items for the kitchen to the hallway. My clever kids.

They also wrote their letters to Santa and got them mailed off.

Our 10th anniversary was on the 26th! Wow...10 years! We had made plans with mom for her to watch the kids so we could go camping. Then the camping idea turned into going to Tunica. The weather didn't look so nice this past weekend. It was definitely the better choice:)
Bobby's sister, Elisa, watched the kids for us on Thursday so we could pick mom up in Tennessee. Then we left Friday morning for Tunica. We had SO much fun!
Hey Mom~thanks for watching Britney and Cody!!

On Monday, the kids and I took mom to my grandfather's house. My brother said he would take her home from there. Thanks Max:)

Britney climbing the tree I climbed when I was little.

Max showing Cody the turtle

Group picture!

Oh, and I won something from Gretta!! Go HERE to see what I won:) I'm so excited!!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Anniversary! I am dead serious (pardon the pun) I want to go to Crybaby Hollow next time you go!


Where we've been as a family