Friday, February 21, 2014

Grace Unplugged

Okay, this kind of cracked me up so I wanted to share :)  Back in August of 2012, Brit, Dakota and I were extras in the movie Grace Unplugged.  We found out about it the day before and headed to Birmingham for a VERY LONG day!  We didn't get home until 3 am.  It was a really cool experience and we were so anxious to see if we made it in the movie.  We were filmed in three scenes and were CERTAIN we'd be visible at least once.  It was released last year, but we just never made it to the theater.  Bobby picked the DVD up the other day and the kids and I watched it night before last. 

First, some pics from the day.

Jamie Grace

James Denton
AJ Michalka
We carefully watched each scene we were filmed in and nothing...until the VERY end.  You can see the side of mine and Brit's heads.  Hahaha!

The very far left in the first pew.

See?  :)

 Brit scoured the extra and deleted scenes and found herself one more time:)

I totally consider us movie stars.  The end.  :)

Friday, February 14, 2014

Snow Round 2 *DING*

We were guaranteed another round of snow!  This time, even more snow.  Woot!  We waited and waited on Wednesday for it to show up but it just rained like crazy.  Around 4:00, the rain turned to sleet and by 4:30, it started to drop these HUGE flakes.  The best part was, it immediately started sticking.  I put a big bowl outside to collect snow for us so we could make snow cream.

Right before dark, Dakota decided he wanted to go out and play.  Brit was less than interested.  She really doesn't like being cold. 
 Snowball fight!

Then we started building a snowman.

Brit joined us!

B & D with our snowman, Clydesberg

Then we came inside, made hot chocolate and ate snow cream.  Yum!  Around 9:00, I decided to go for a walk.  It was SO beautiful out!  Snow in the moonlight is magical. 

I've also never given much thought to owning a 4 wheeler, but DANG I wanted one that night!  It seems as though 60% of Decatur either has a 4 wheeler or Razor.  They were having such a great time speeding along, doing doughnuts.  Gah...jealousy took over a little.

I came home pretty much long enough to check on the kids and then I was going back out.  I asked if they wanted to join me, and to my surprise, they did!  They bundled up and off we went.
 We didn't need a 4 wheeler to slide around in the road :)

Dakota wanted to start a snowball from our house and roll it to the end of our road to see how big it got.  We took turns rolling and got about three houses down when it got SUPER heavy.  I lost my footing and smacked my knees HARD on the road.  The giant snowball was no more.  Sigh.  And ouch!  That hurt!  I'm nicely bruised now.

Street Angels

We had such a great time!  Yay snow!  :)

The next morning, I got up around 7:00 and headed out to snap some pictures.

The mail didn't come for THREE days!

It warmed up quickly and the snow in the trees fell so fast, it looked like it was snowing again.  We still have some on the ground, but it's nearly all gone now. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Kids in The Snow

The kids played in the snow for all of maybe 15 minutes before they were ready to go back in and drink something hot.  I can't say I blame them!

Bailey had SO much fun!  She would run and run and run, stop, sit down, stare at me and shiver...and then take off again :)

Where we've been as a family