Sunday, May 27, 2012

Backyard camping

There are 5 million birds in our backyard...nature's little alarm clocks.  It's 6 in the morning.  Coffee is brewing.

We slept in the tent last night which was a pretty awesome ending to our weekend.  We told stories and goofed off.  I am more convinced now than ever that I have a family of pyromaniacs.  Britney and Cody went through a box of sparklers and the packets of colorful flame stuff.  We opted out of making s'mores considering how full and hot everyone was so the kids were free to add anything they wanted to the fire.  

Yesterday, Bobby grilled hamburgers and corn on the cob and we had peach pie with vanilla ice cream for dessert.  It was delicious!  Cody played with bubbles in the front yard and then rested in the shade of our Dogwood.  I think Britney even tried to take a nap.  It was just a good, fun, lazy day.

Bobby and Britney building the fire.

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