Sunday, May 27, 2012

Daikin Festival

We try to go to the Daikin Festival every year.  The evening offers free parking, admission, food and entertainment.  The only drawback for me is just the sheer amount of people!  I think the whole city shows up!  But I guess with that, you inevitably see someone you haven't seen in a while.

Britney called and asked Emily if she would like to go with us.  I'm so glad she decided to.  Things are just more fun with friends.  The kid pick up turned into a kid switch though.  Cody decided to spend the evening with Zachary for some much needed boy play time.

Waiting in line...

They got airbrushed wrist tattoos.

Every year, Britney wants to ride the hot air balloon, but I'm afraid of heights and chicken out every time...until this year.  (I've been trying to do better with my aversion to heights, forcing myself to face my fear)  Anyway, Bobby and I got in line right away and called Britney to surprise her.  Her and Emily quickly joined us as we waited.

We chose this one to ride in.

The moment of take off!

The view

It was a quick ride but a first for all of us.  That doesn't happen often around here.  Bobby has done so many things!  He's been in one before, but has never been in the air.

Me and my girl

We left a little earlier than we usually do in hopes of beating some of the crowd.  Then we took Emily home and picked up The Boy Child.  We had planned on getting up early and heading to Point Mallard to watch the balloons take off, but decided not to on the way home.  It was after 10:00 and everyone wanted to sleep late.  I found out that the balloons didn't take off anyway because it wasn't windy enough.

Backyard camping

There are 5 million birds in our backyard...nature's little alarm clocks.  It's 6 in the morning.  Coffee is brewing.

We slept in the tent last night which was a pretty awesome ending to our weekend.  We told stories and goofed off.  I am more convinced now than ever that I have a family of pyromaniacs.  Britney and Cody went through a box of sparklers and the packets of colorful flame stuff.  We opted out of making s'mores considering how full and hot everyone was so the kids were free to add anything they wanted to the fire.  

Yesterday, Bobby grilled hamburgers and corn on the cob and we had peach pie with vanilla ice cream for dessert.  It was delicious!  Cody played with bubbles in the front yard and then rested in the shade of our Dogwood.  I think Britney even tried to take a nap.  It was just a good, fun, lazy day.

Bobby and Britney building the fire.

Saturday, May 26, 2012


I've cycled with this blog.  I go between being very interested in it to not caring so much about it.  In fact, I believe I said the words "I don't care about it anymore" to Britney when she asked why I don't post.  Well, the truth is, I do care about it.  Just this morning I've gone through and looked up posts from past projects, outings and camping trips.  That's what this blog is.  It's a way to document our lives and I really do care about it.  So...I'm back.  I can't imagine being able to catch up on everything, but I'm going to try :)

Where we've been as a family