Monday, June 8, 2009


We kidnapped Chandler for a couple days! (Her parents know where she is and no ransom has been demanded) We had Mexican for dinner yesterday, which we all thoroughly enjoyed. And since we had leftovers, we enjoyed for lunch, too! I also made the kids fried okra, and barbecued pork chops.

I went to get Cody something, and when I came back, Bobby and Cody were entertaining the restaurant.

Keilee came to spend the night, too! They had so much fun and put on a stuffed animal play that was hilarious!
I got up about 30 minutes after I went to bed so I could take a "surprise" picture of them. Britney was teaching Keilee how to play Chess and Chandler was setting up the Chineese Checkers board.

I woke up at 4:05 am and headed for the kitchen to get a drink of water. Keilee and Britney were still awake chatting each others' ears off. I asked them if they needed anything and they both ran into the kitchen. Keilee had the saddest little pouty face and Brit said, "Keilee wants some popcorn."

With as many Wild Swims as we are planning to attend this summer, we bought some floats today! We're so excited to finally have our own!


  1. Wow that is a lot of floats!! YAY! The boat is MINE!

    And don't let that pouty face get you, she has been using it unsuccessfully on me forever.

    She had a blast, thanks!!


  2. I can't believe you let Chan out in public with her hair in those pigtails. LOL!

  3. I believe in freedom of expression and obviously she does as well :)~


Where we've been as a family