Saturday, September 8, 2012

Happy Birthday Britney

14.  14 years ago I gave birth to that beautiful little girl.  I've never understood how God saw fit for her to be my daughter.  She's just amazing and I have so much gratitude that I was chosen to be her mother. 

Last year, she didn't get an official birthday party so according to Emily, she's been 12 for two years.  In hopes of correcting that, she had a two night spend the night party.  The first night was dubbed her 13th birthday and second night, her 14th.

Grace was the first one to come over and then they went to play practice. 

Receiving Grace's Converse!  So excited!

While I was waiting to get them back from play practice, Cody and I went in Dollar General and found My Little Pony coloring books.  These girls are all about MLP right now!  Suzette showed up and handed over Brit, Emily, Rachael and Grace.  They were geeked when I told them I found something they may like and handed the coloring books over :)

They colored and colored and Cooper was one happy dog with all of the attention.

Rainbow Dash is Britney's favorite
See the resemblance?

Then Esther dropped Chan off after her play practice.  They all played games and joked and laughed...SO much laughter!

They may have destroyed Brit's room :)

And were just plain goofy!

Rachael had to go home after the first night so we met her brother to drop her off.  It was yet another goofy photo op!

Then Keilee came over for a night! 

Kei knitted Brit a purse!  How cool!  The tissue paper was fun to play with too :)

They spent a good chunk of time playing outside, doing one handed cartwheels, playing games and laughing.  Then the idea hit them!  A flash dance should be done!  They practiced and practiced until they felt confident with their routine.  Then they got dressed up and we went to Walmart.  They flash mobbed about six times in different locations throughout the store.  They had reactions ranging from weird looks and smiles to some lady freaking out she was so excited!  She videoed them to put on youtube!  Those girls were jumping up and down with excitement and pure joy.

Then we came back to the house and made rainbow cupcakes.  Everyone had a blast doing this!  I think it should be a new tradition :)

The birthday girl with her favorite cupcake.

And then it was over...just like that.  I think it was a rather successful birthday party.  I mean two birthday parties :)

Where we've been as a family